RDM Sanders, Inc. has been a part of the Fairbanks/North Pole communities for more than 50 years. Rick Sanders, President, start his career at an early age. His father built homes in the early to middle 1960’s. Later that decade, talk of the Alaska Oil Pipeline was in the future and Sanders Construction Company moved from Homes to the emerging Commercial and Industrial Market. In 1969, Sanders Construction became a Butler Dealer. In 1980, Ed Sanders retired, passing the torch.
RDM Sanders, Inc. born in 1982, is a second-generation construction firm dedicated to provide cost efficiency, quality control, and representation in your best interest. We have a qualified staff with 45+ years of combined experience including a NCCCO Certified Crane Operator for the heavy lifting.

Some of the notable building and projects we have completed in the community can be viewed on our HOME PAGE. We are also involved with the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Metal Building Contractors & Erectors Association.